Lease: 8 905 519 99 50 / 8 966 168 84 55 (с 10:00 до 19:00) /
"Obsession" performance
The legend immerses you into a story filled with mystical fear about an unfortunate woman possessed by creatures fr om the other world. Are you ready to live it in reality?
It all starts within the walls of an ancient house, wh ere you and a group of friends have to stay overnight. The old owner agrees to allocate space in the attic for a small fee. However, your sleep will be short-lived and disturbing... Tonight you come face to face with evil spirits and be saved from the tangible embrace of death! If you're lucky, of course...
Visiting under the influence of alcohol or drugs and returning contact with actors is strictly prohibited. You are not allowed to use a telephone, camera or lighting equipment during the game.