Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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Evgeny Granilshchikov
"The last song of the evening"

07 June — 16 July 2017
Е5 White Hall

Evgeny Granilshchikov
"The last song of the evening"


Curator of the exhibition: Anna Zaitseva

Author cycle: Nikolay Palazhchenko

June 7, 2017 in the workshop of the White Center for Contemporary Art WINZAVOD will open the third exhibition of the jubilee cycle "Farewell to Eternal Youth". Eugene Granilshchikov, one of the brightest Russian video artists, will present a multimedia installation "The Last Song of the Evening" about his generation, love and politics. At this exhibition, the artist, a graduate of the Rodchenko School, the winner of the Kandinsky Prize, will for the first time show a two-channel video installation with the same name "The Last Song of the Evening" and other works, including a short film "At the Weeks of Our Sorrow, Our Dreams Brighter", photographs and graphics made over the past year .

The exhibition is a single installation in which each work in one way or another relates to the theme of love and mutual understanding against the background of the tension created by the news flow. In the works there will be many improvisations, random conversations and truthful stories - peeped and later recreated. Heroes Eugene Granil'shchikov - generation Y, which belongs to the artist himself, and which became the central theme of the entire cycle "Farewell to Eternal Youth."

The key work of the exhibition is a two-channel film "The Last Song of the Evening", originally conceived as an experimental series. The author himself defines the genre of the film as "the documentation of the performance, which dragged on for a year and a half". To implement this project, the artist and director invited his close friends. Every day, the characters begin by watching the news and discussing what is happening on the air.

Another film that viewers will see at the exhibition - "In the pre-dawn hour our dreams become brighter"; it is completely filmed on a mobile phone. The action takes place in Paris and is built around the daily life of the two main characters, who, despite their happy Parisian routine, still feel detached from home. Also, video sculptures, abstract photographs and a series of graphics will be presented.

The artist and independent director Evgeny Granilshchikov: "I still do not understand that I do not like more - watching movies or shooting them. Now I'm thinking of quitting all this and opening a losing shop with popcorn, like Scarlett Johanson. "

Evgeny Granilschikov was born in 1985 in Moscow. In 2009 he graduated from the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity in Moscow, and in 2013 - the Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia. A. Rodchenko. Among the personal exhibitions: "Something will be lost" (Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh", Moscow, 2014), "No title (after the defeats)" (Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, 2016). Participant in group exhibitions: the Triennial of Contemporary Russian Art (Garage Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 2017) The IV Moscow Biennale of Young Art (2014), Burning News: Recent Art from Russia (Hayward Gallery, London, 2014), Borderlands (GRAD Gallery , London, 2015), the 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (2015), "One inside the other. The art of new and old media in the era of high-speed Internet "(Moscow Museum of Modern Art, 2016). Laureate of the Kandinsky Prize in the nomination "Young Artist. Project of the Year "(2013), the Open Frame Award of the goEast Film Festival (Wiesbaden, 2016), the finalist of the Innovation Award (2014, 2015).