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The presentation of the first issue of the Bulletin by Laboratory Art Criticism will be on December 16

13 December 2018

The laboratory of Art criticism presents the first issue of the Bulletin - the main document of the project activities.

The name of the first issue of the Bulletin is Termite. The collection includes texts by Alain Badiou, Vilem Vlyusser, Anatoly Osmolovsky, Boris Klyushnikov, Konstantin Bokhorov, Alexandra Shestakova, Egor Sofronov, Vick Lashchenov, Marianna Kruchinova, Sasha Grach, Roman Balabanov, Anastasia Haustova.

About the Bulletin

The bulletin of the Laboratory of Art Criticism is published three times a year. At the end of each trimester, there is a conference with a key topic that has been worked out for three months, and a Bulletin comes out, combining the texts of reports, translations of texts of Western critics, philosophers and sociologists with commentaries by the authors of the Bulletin and, finally, texts of laboratory assistants. Each Bulletin accompanies a special art project.

The presentation will be held at the Conference of the Laboratory of Art Criticism "Power figures, regression codes" on December 16, at 17.00, in Vintage Hall.