Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

How to find us
Administration: +7 (495) 917 46 46
Lease: 8 905 519 99 50 / 8 966 168 84 55 (с 10:00 до 19:00) /

New features in the new season 2019 from Winzavod: education initiatives

26 February 2019
In 2019, Winzavod expands the space of opportunities for novice cultural professionals.

Winzavod determined the formation of a new circle of professionals in the art system as its main task.

To accomplish this task, Winzavod chose two strategic directions - New Names and Education. The first direction unites START projects (and the new START.Pop-up format), Open Studios project and WALL project; the second direction combines the Leadership Program Generation Art, the Laboratory of Art Criticism and the Laboratory of Journalism, Philosophical Club and Winzavod.Open.

Within the framework of two directions, Winzavod identifies deficiencies and develops formats to fill them with professional staff. Winzavod will complement the 2019 program with new initiatives to promote contemporary art and culture in general.

Winzavod launches a new Leadership Program Generation Art - an internship and development program for managers, designers, and PR specialists.

For projects in the field of culture (art, fashion, theater, cinema, etc.), Winezavod opens up a pop-up space, which may begin as a resident or existing projects for a period of one day to two months.

For interdisciplinary initiatives, a new format of project START has been launched - Pop-up, with an open entrance to create a collaboration with the project's artists.

For street artists - an open competition for WALL project (launch at the end of March).

For journalists and critics - the Laboratory of Art Criticism (jointly with the BAZA Institute) and the Laboratory of Journalism (together with TASS).

For young artists - workshops in the Open Studios Winery (competition twice a year).