Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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Administration: +7 (495) 917 46 46
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Damir Muratov
Short stories

03 December — 19 January 2020
H3 11.12 Gallery

Damir Muratov
Short stories


The format of small texts, works, photos - one of the most popular due to their capacity and brevity, allowing you to quickly penetrate or "read" the main message of the author. This method is widely used in the Internet space: Twitter, Instagram (the function "stories" in particular), even on Facebook people write mostly short posts. In his new project, Damir Muratov uses this technique in the context of his visual language. For him, small, short, chamber, light things have their own value for several reasons.

- Throughout history, large-scale and colossal projects have arisen, mainly based on the large society in which they are born, whether citizens' utopias or royal palaces. In contrast, individual and private histories are purely subjective, intended for people close to each other or for one person in general.

- A long text often confuses the reader, preventing him or her from even thinking about its content, otherwise there is a chance of losing the author's idea at all. While the most accurate and interesting thoughts, as a rule, can be expressed in one short sentence, without breaking the original message, but making him think for himself.

- Everything the most valuable and dear to the heart man is used to keep next to him. Mobile life in endless travels dictates its own rules, so there is no need for huge things. 

- The whole life of a person is a set of short scenes and episodes, which are grouped in a circle of the main plot of the narration. And, it can be told, as well as one main person, and vice versa, the points of view of different characters form a motley picture of subjective views.

- The most "genre" artists, William Hogarth and Pavel Fedotov, chose the main theme of their work to be the everyday life of people. Funny, sentimental, sad and instructive scenes reflect the chamber and intimacy of human feelings and emotions, which is emphasized by the small format of the works themselves.

The exhibition will consist of many small pictures and stories grouped around a large central work. It may be a few small episodes told by one person, or perhaps one big storytelling on behalf of many. Here, the viewer follows the characters, looking at small pictures from their lives, just as in real life he flips through the information tape of his friends on social media, whose publications also take the form of artworks.