Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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Administration: +7 (495) 917 46 46
Lease: 8 905 519 99 50 / 8 966 168 84 55 (с 10:00 до 19:00) /
Ticket Office: +7 (495) 917 17 99 (с 12:00 до 20:00)

Vladimir Potapov
Kirill Blagolepov, 32 years old, Moscow

22 October — 28 November 2019
H9 pop/off/art gallery

Vladimir Potapov
Kirill Blagolepov, 32 years old, Moscow


"Kirill Blagolepov, 32, Moscow - the first personal exhibition of artist Vladimir Potapov in the space of the pop/off/art gallery. 

In this project, Vladimir Potapov is a researcher of media space, working with the topic of social networks and manipulation of public consciousness. 

The hero of the research is Kirill Blagolepov, or rather a facebook profile, which is most likely to be a fake account created especially for twisting voices, likes and other activities. The visual field of the page, consisting of reposts of other people's publications and photographs, is used by Potapovs as an artistic material for his works. The pictorial series, made in the already known author's technique with the use of bright holographic paper, immortalizes this virtual character, who has the characteristics of a human personality with its features, qualities and properties. 

Mythologizing his character, Potapov asks for a psychological portrait based on the publications of professional psychoanalyst Roman Istomin. The artist's tactics is to create an image of millions of Kirill Blalepovs who have flooded social networks and formed botnets with the help of a stream of surrounding images and verbal description. This project is both a monument of anonymity and an ode to digital avatars posing as human beings.

 "We have witnessed the emergence of a new essence - a digital one, which in a short period of its life has time to flare up as an imitation of human consciousness, to influence social and political processes, and to turn to the digital core, from which nothing remains. I will immortalize this remark, find and describe her personality, create a memory of her and make this name commonplace," says the author. 

Vladimir Vladimirovich Potapov was born in 1980 in Volgograd. He received his artistic education at the Serebryakov Institute of Art (Volgograd) in 2000-2001. Later he graduated from the Institute of Modern Art and "Free workshops" (Moscow). Potapov was nominated for a number of major domestic and international awards in contemporary art. Participant and curator of dozens of group exhibitions. The solo exhibition "In Memory" was shown at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (2015), and the solo exhibition "Only History Ahead" was held in Kunsthalle, Rostock, Germany (2018). His works are included in the collections of such institutions as the Museum of Modern Art (Krakow), the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the PERMM Museum of Modern Art (Perm), the Sergei Kuryokhin Museum of Modern Art (St. Petersburg), the Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation (Moscow), and in a number of status private and corporate collections. Lives in Moscow.